
About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I’m Eve and I love building things and learning new stuff. I’m from Germany and currently work as a Junior Dev/Devops Engineer.

I love teaching new things to people, so stick around to learn. I also love building communities around compassion and understanding.

If you have any questions about Minecraft Development, Observability, don’t hesitate to ask me. Even better if you also send Cat photos (I love cats).

Some of the technologies I work with are Go, Kotlin, Java, Jetpack Compose, Paper/Spigot. I also use Kubernetes and Docker every day to build projects. I love building CI Pipelines with Gitlab CI.

I believe that if we wanna make this world a better place, we’re the best person to start doing that. That’s why I advocate for LGBTQIA+ Rights as well as more Acceptance of Neurodivergency. I’m also active in the CNCF Tag Environmental Sustainability .

I also love music and the ocean. I’m a #VegetarianInTech and love the nature.

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I work on everything coding and tweet developer memes